Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 10

Earlier on in this unit I realised how many so called friends I have on face book, and thought most of these people don’t live in my area.  So I thought to myself what I say on my status, would I say it to them by other means, text, talk.  The answer was no, some of these people I haven’t talked to for years.  That’s were a different friend meaning comes in to it.  So I went on to control who I send my status to.  The moral to the story is I now have more control, but does this defeat the purpose of the site. I think yes, my close friends and family already know what I am doing most of the time. 
I see the benefits of social networking to improve the ways we keep in touch with each other, and maintain relationships.  However the early days in social platforms need some work to filter our identity more.
One of the groups from collage explains once he joined the workforce after collage he didn’t change his profile or photos from his social networking site because he sees it as fun, and it relates to his personal life.  This person has 35 of over 200 friends that are employees.  He states if his boss ever did see these photos I would like to think he would understand.
The difficulties of having simultaneously both professional and non professional connections through a social network, reveals many problems in today’s world.  I can see how we need better content managing tool’s to control very quickly.
I have heard in the past of people getting sacked over what they writing on their facebook page, about their employers.  Most people I know use the social tools to keep in touch with their network of friends in a personal way that’s ok until it gets mixed.
DiMicco, J.M.  &Millen, D.R. (2007). Identity management: Multiple presentations of Self in Facebook. In Proc ACM Group Conference, 4-7 November 2007.
Retrieved from
Leaver, T. (2010). Module 3 Introduction – your Internet Footprint. Retrieved from

Week 9

Content sharing has raised new problems all over again with copyright.  Copyright has only been around for about two centuries.  Building creation on creation has been done since Shakespeare’s day by rewriting ideas in a new way.  So the future decisions that are to made over the internet copyright laws are critical ones in the worlds development.  Yes I do believe there will be new laws as technology get better.
The original copyright laws were given to protect the author so all his creation money goes to him.  The new and easily assessable editing tool has made it easier for the everyday person to edit on the World Wide Web.  Meaning remix and mashup has become new issues.  But if they are not making money on remix and mashups, then is that an offence.  I would say only if they cause harm to one of the original authors.  

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 8

Social networking, well I know some people that could not live without it.  Actually this person is addicted to it and has, in my view, ruined here life.  Social networking was just a bit of fun to start with, around 2005.  Now it's serous business, and people can and do get heart.  All photos uploaded  on facebook are the possession of facebook for ever.  Also any information we put on there sites are used to target advertising back at us.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 7

How do we know what’s right or wrong from one person, professional or not.  I am talking about academic encyclopaedias, opposed to social networking.   How far the internet has come with Blogs, Wikis and social media, all makes the internet democratic.  All creating a read and write web, that will change the way we communicate forever.  Wikis bring all ideas of the initial Web together, with Vannever Bush idea in 1945 that a machine could retrieve all human knowledge.  Connecting all human knowledge with associated patterns in which Wikis use extremely well with hypertext links.
Wikis also include Tim Berners-Lee dilemma that in the initial Web browser did not include writing and editing functions.
This freedom on the World Wide Web has raised some big issues.  Some of these are how reliable collective intelligence is.  Though in 2004 Alex Halavais had placed deliberate errors in Wikipedia that had self fixed themself thanks to the design of Wikipedia.  Where do we go wrong, Aboriginals can pass information and history on from centuries ago that is accurate as a book. A complexed society that we live in spread Web bugs and misleading information through social media, why?