Thursday, December 16, 2010

Week 3

Tim Berners-Lee describes the Web 2.0 as “a piece of jargon”.  He describes the idea of Web was an interaction between people and really that’s what it is, as it was initially designed to be.
Berners-Lee initial use for the World Wibe Web was as a social tool.  As the World Wide Web has advanced this same principle still applies today, and if not stronger.
It still does what Vannevar Bush wanted to do in the beginning, in 1945 by recalling information up on a screen.  Ok you can recall information by a click of a mouse instead of going to the book shelf.  We also find information in a non-linear way, called hypertext.  The idea that hypertext came from mimicking a tree called the RHZONE is like what, another idea that came from nature, amazing.

Scott Laningham. 2006. Developer Works Interviews: Tim Berners-Lee. (accessed December 15, 2010).

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